Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hands Down, Best Ever Sloppy Joe's in the Whole World, (super easy too)

Do not doubt this recipe because there are minimal ingredients, and it's easy,  I swear these are killer sloppy joe's, you could use this meat for a lot of other things too, regardless, point is, these rock!

1 lbs. Ground Turkey or Beef

1/2 an Onion, (yellow)

1 cup Ketchup

2 tbsp. sugar, white or brown

2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

1 tsp. of cayenne pepper

1/3 cup of nacho cheese sauce

 Brown the ground meat in a pan...
 Add some chopped onion to the meat
 Measure 1 cup of ketchup
 2 tbsp. Sugar
 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

 1 tsp. cayenne pepper
 add sauce to meat
 add nacho sauce to mixture
 stir and let simmer until thick (about 20 minutes on medium)

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